M&A Realization

In today’s competitive world of M&A it is important to have an operationally focused partner to support you through the entire process.  Starting with an operations due diligence process designed to identify both potential risks and opportunities for improvement that will impact growth and financial performance. We follow that with a proven integration methodology that - drives to achieve your investment thesis. Lastly, we deploy our full operational excellence improvement capabilities to maximize profitability and prepare you for a successful exit.

Let Flow help you address the critical questions to a successful investment.

How can we ensure we have identified all key process risks during due diligence?

Mapping critical processes to identify risks in maturity, capability, and growth provides a key component for identifying potential improvements in EBITDA.

Services we provide to help you answer this question:

What might be limiting realization of our investment these?

By fully integrating all acquisitions of a platform quickly and efficiently you will accelerate the expected investment synergies.

Services we provide to help you answer this question:

How to prepare for optimal exit?

Having clear process documentation and improvement roadmap provides a potential buyer with the confidence that can drive up multiples.

Services we provide to help you answer this question: