Inexperienced General Manager

Leading with no prior management experience.

Case Studies

Business Issue

The new General Manager of a large family-owned home improvement business had no prior management experience, but the second generation owners had asked him to lead the business because of his drive and proven interpersonal skills.

Approach Used

Flow consultants began with an interview to ascertain the key leadership gaps, and scheduled weekly one-on-one visits to close those gaps.


The General Manager became highly-effective because of the detailed training he received in the use of leadership, task management, and follow-up techniques. He was able to remove a member of his support staff that should have been removed years before. He then implemented an incentive system that rewards department managers for profitable growth. The new General Manager then implemented significant inventory reduction techniques in three of the five departments — Furniture, Carpet and Building Supplies.


Unmet Expectations


Lengthy Lead for MTO/MTS Products